Imagine yourself on your next family vacation. You’ve been looking forward to this for more than a year, and you and your loved ones are finally doing a bit of traveling. After your first night, you wake up feeling exhausted. So is your spouse, and your kids seem easily irritated. That’s not the kind of vacation you had in mind.
As it turns out, your snoring prevented everyone else from getting a good night’s sleep. Your snoring is also a symptom of your untreated sleep apnea.
Here are three reasons you should plan a visit with us in Lexington, KY.
Make Breathing Easier
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which you stop breathing repeatedly when you fall asleep. This prevents you from getting deep sleep, without which you can feel sleep-deprived. One of our oral appliances keeps your airways open so you can continue breathing.
Stop Snoring
Snoring is a result of your airways being restricted in some way. With sleep apnea treatment, your airways remain open, and as a result you snore less often and you may stop snoring completely.
Feel More Alert
When you get the healthy sleep that you need, you wake up feeling rested and refreshed. This helps you feel more alert at work or spending time with your loved ones.
Call us at 859-223-2120 today to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online.