Just because you have healthy teeth doesn’t mean you’ll be completely happy about your smile.
While good oral health is essential to your overall health, your emotional well-being is important, too.
And feeling insecure or stressed about cosmetic issues with your teeth, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem to others, can have a big impact on your ability to relax, be yourself, and enjoy your life.
So your Lexington dentists are here to give you some ideas for giving your smile and your confidence a boost with little-to-no fuss.
Here are 3 simple ways to solve tiny but visible teeth problems:
#1 – Teeth Whitening
Maybe you have one or two teeth that appear discolored compared to your surrounding teeth.
Or perhaps years of coffee drinking have taken the shine out of your once-pearly whites.
Straight, healthy teeth are a great start, but teeth whitening treatment with our professionals can quickly and dramatically brighten your smile by several shades, and in just one visit, you can walk out of our office looking and feeling radiant!
#2 – Tooth Bonding
A tiny gap between your two front teeth or a tooth that’s slightly chipped may not even be that noticeable to other people, but if it really bothers you, even small imperfections can be a big deal.
That’s what makes tooth bonding such an ideal cosmetic solution! Without making any permanent changes to your teeth, bonding can cover up tiny flaws like chips, cracks, and gaps, giving your smile a fresh, flawless new look.
#3 – Tooth Contouring
One of the hallmarks of an attractive smile is uniformity, where the teeth that show when you smile have nice, even edges. Contouring is quick and painless, delicately shaving off pointy, jagged edges of teeth so all of them look more even and attractive. Combine tooth contouring with teeth whitening, and you’ve given yourself a mini-makeover in a single appointment!
Improving your smile doesn’t have to be invasive or costly. Sometimes, all it takes is a little touch-up to make you look and feel like a million bucks!
To explore your cosmetic dentistry options at Beaumont Family Dentistry, call us today to schedule an appointment or visit us online.
- Beaumont: 859-223-2120
- Leestown: 859-368-8260
- Hamburg: 859-687-0975