Our Lexington, KY dentist’s office takes a multidisciplinary approach so that we can provide comprehensive dentistry solutions without having to outsource the more challenging work. You may be surprised to know that we even handle things that are not, on the surface at least, something that you would normally associate with the dentist. For ...
Read MoreHeadaches can be so much more than just pain. If you have struggled with frequent headaches, then you know that they can grind your day to a halt. You may want to seal yourself in a soundproof roof with the lights off when you are dealing with one. When you have a bad headache, like a migraine, everyday sounds can feel like someone pounding on ...
Read MoreYou may have heard someone say they have TMJ. You may have even experienced this problem yourself at one time or another. But how much do you know about TMJ? In today's post, we are going to have a little fun with a short, simple quiz about TMJ disorders. When you are finished, keep reading to find out how Beaumont Family Dentistry provides TMJ ...
Read MoreAnother day, another headache. Does it really have to be this way? Should your morning start with your looking for ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or aspirin? It doesn't have to if you know what's causing your problem. If you are waking up with frequent headaches, it's possible they may be caused by a TMJ disorder. To put it another way, the pain ...
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