The connection between your oral and overall health isn’t limited to just your physical wellness. It also includes your mental health, as you might experience bouts of stress from time to time that can put your teeth and gums at risk for damage, decay, and gum disease.
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re sharing a video that talks about several ways stress can impact your smile, including teeth grinding and other TMJ-related problems.
It may help you understand more about your jaw pain, headaches, or worn-down teeth and whether you might benefit from wearing a custom oral appliance for relief and better oral health despite certain risks that come with chronic stress, including dental damage, cold sores, and a weakened immune system.
Want to find out if you’re taking your stress out on your teeth? Call Sleep Better Lexington at 859-721-2072 today. You’ll find us at 2408 Sir Barton Way, Suite 275, right across from the Hamburg location of Beaumont Family Dentistry.