We’re giving our Lexington families one more bit of advice before school starts!
When kids are home during the summer, it’s so much easier to monitor what they’re eating and drinking. Once they’re in school, the best you can do is pack a nutritious lunch and hope the healthy eating habits they’ve developed at home will be enough to keep their smiles cavity-free.
But it can be easy to fall into a rut packing the same two or three kid-approved lunches week after week. So here’s an infographic with ten teeth-friendly snack ideas you can use for inspiration.
A healthy mouth needs a healthy diet, so if you’d like more help promoting good eating habits in your family, be sure to ask about our nutritional counseling services!
Call Beaumont Family Dentistry today to schedule an appointment or visit us online.
- Beaumont: 859-223-2120
- Leestown: 859-368-8260
- Hamburg: 859-687-0975
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