After years of putting off necessary dental care, a dental emergency brought Amber to Beaumont Family Dentistry. She entered the office while in tears, and immediately, our compassionate team began to reassure her that everything was going to be OK.
“Within minutes, I’m having my hand massaged,” Amber said. “All these smiling people are around me, pats on the shoulder, and just true compassion.”
Amber was so impressed by the care she received that she continues to come to Beaumont Family Dentistry! And she no longer feels the need to put off her visits to the dentist.
“Everyone just from beginning to end has been so nice and it’s completely changed my dental health,” she said.
Watch this video to learn more about Amber’s experience in our office. Then, schedule an appointment and experience our top-notch care for yourself! Call us at any of our three convenient locations in Lexington, KY.
- Beaumont: 859-223-2120
- Hamburg: 859-687-0975
- Leestown: 859-368-8260